Mind Fuck



Mind Fuck

The Mass Psychology of Creeping Fascism
by Neil Faulkner

ISBN: 978-0-902869-31-8 (print)
ISBN: 978-0-902869-30-1 (e-book)

RRP: £6, $8, AU$12 (print)
e-RRP: £3, £4, AU$6 (e-book)
136 pages, 178x102mm
Publication date: February 2022

Categories: ,



A torrent of nationalism, racism, misogyny, and irrationalism is sweeping the world. The authoritarian right and new forms of fascism have become a clear and present danger. Neoliberal capitalism has torn society apart. Alienation has reached an unprecedented level. Extreme narcissistic individualism has become a pandemic. In this little book, Neil Faulkner draws on Marxist-Freudian theory to provide an updated analysis of the mass psychology of fascism, and to argue for a progressive counter-offensive based on love, labour, and reason.


  • Introduction
  • Alienation
  • Libido
  • The patriarchal-authoritarian personality
  • The narcissistic-authoritarian personality
  • Fascism and revolution

Neil Faulkner is a writer, political theorist, revolutionary activist, and leading member of Anti*Capitalist Resistance. His books include A Radical History of the World (Pluto, 2018), A People’s History of the Russian Revolution (Pluto, 2017), Creeping Fascism: what it is and how to fight it (Public Reading Rooms, 2017), System Crash: an activist guide to making revolution (Resistance Books, 2021) and Alienation, Spectacle and Revolution (Resistance Books, 2021).