Making Sense of Russia’s Invasion of Ukraine



Making sense of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine

by Paul Le Blanc

ISBN: 978-1-872242-05-7 (print)
ISBN: 978-1-872242-06-4 (e-book)

RRP: £6, US$8, AU$12 (print)
RRP: £3, US$4, AU$6. (e-book)

95 pages; 108x178mm.

Publication date: November 2023


Russia’s war on Ukraine is devastating the country and reshaping politics around the world. The invasion is a major factor in fragmenting left-wing forces. In this small book, Paul Le Blanc tries to ‘make sense of the Russian invasion of Ukraine’. His starting point is for a victory for Ukrainian self-determination and opposition to imperialism in all its forms. Paul Le Blanc tackles the following themes: What Mistaken Friends Say – and Where They Are Right, Imperialism and Illusion, Which Side Are You On?, Views of Russian and Ukrainian Socialists, Lessons from History on Self-Determination, and Where the Weapons Come From.

Paul Le Blanc is Emeritus Professor of History at La Roche University (USA) and author of internationally acclaimed works on the labour and socialist movements, including Lenin and the Revolutionary Party, From Marx to Gramsci, Leon Trotsky, and Lenin: Responding to Catastrophe, Forging Revolution. On the editorial board of the Verso Books edition of The Complete Works of Rosa Luxemburg, he is co-editor of the second and fifth volumes.